Real-life blogs written by different #HOBANites, professional wellness tips, and easy, delicious healthy recipes.
The latest market intelligence, hiring insights, and how to optimise your relationship with your recruiter.
Advice, tips and guidance on how to make sure you are the preferred candidate with every job application.
Learn how HOBAN have helped Australian organisations enhance their workforces through innovative recruitment solutions.
How To Recover From Injury
It’s easy to feel low when you’re stuck at home nursing an injury. But that’s the last thing you want to be doing! Apart from impacting your health and well-being, a low mood will slow down your recovery. The temptation to lie around and watch Netflix is real. But it’s important to understand the importance…
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The Benefits of Using Candidate Assessments When Hiring
Assessments help us make better hiring decisions. They are inexpensive for clients and quick for candidates to complete. Using assessments saves time by ensuring the right person is hired.
Filed under Employers
High Turnover and Poor Candidate Performance Crippling the Warehouse Operations
The Challenges Historically, this warehouse had been experiencing significant candidate performance issues, poor reliability and high turnover. Candidates were disengaged, and it was clear the negative workplace culture was impacting the warehouse operation and employee output. Furthermore, the agencies being utilised were inconsistent with onsite visibility and account management, and slow response times for filling…
Filed under Client
A Distribution Centre Struggling with Hard to Fill Roles, Poor Retention of Staff and High Injury Rates
The Challenges This extremely busy DC has a significant daily requirement for LO licensed order pickers. For some time, demand in Sydney’s western suburbs for this same qualification and skill set has been growing, and as a result the supply of candidates with these attributes is becoming more and more limited. Furthermore, the heavy manual…
Filed under Case Studies
Set Yourself Some Stretch Goals and be Just Like the Professionals
What do Lebron James, Tom Brady and the All Blacks have in common? Yes they are all elite athletes, but you might be surprised to know that they, along with hundreds of other elite sports stars, regularly practice yoga. Yoga took the basketball world by storm and has become a feature on hundreds of professional…
Filed under Uncategorized
International Women’s Day 2021 – HOBAN Chooses to Challenge
Here at HOBAN, we and our sister companies, Clicks IT Recruitment and INDEX Consultants, are passionate about fostering gender equality and gender diversity. Being a major player in the recruitment industry, we are proud to have the responsibility of using our voice to influence change in the workforce. Our CEO, Alison Watts, and Clicks’ Managing…
Filed under News
Making the Most of Your Journey to Work
Wake up at 6.15 am, lie there and negotiate another 15 minutes of sleep with yourself, press ‘snooze’, eventually roll out of bed, shower, get dressed, apply copious amounts of aftershave and leave the house at 7.05 am. No, this isn’t an instructional manual on how to be a 9–5 human, it’s just my morning…
Filed under Wellness, Wellness Matters
3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Daily Water Intake
“You need to drink more water”. This is what everyone tells you and you hear it all the time on the TV and ads everywhere you go. You understand the benefits but you admit that you haven’t really taken the steps to do anything about it. Drinking enough water each day can be challenging. How…
Filed under Wellness, Wellness Matters
3 Ways to Boost your Energy Levels after the Festive Season
Need a holiday after your holiday? If you’re like most people, indulging in Christmas treats like a liqueur doused trifle and spending time with loved ones probably filled up your schedule over the holidays and left you little to no time to catch your breath – or recover. It’s now January and already time to…
Filed under Wellness, Wellness Matters